Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
External commands YES NO NO All


HTTPSplitHTML (message,tagtextlistReturns status


Note: The flag is set according to whether Omnis was able to make a call to this external command.

This Web command is multi-threaded, allowing another thread to execute in the multi-threaded server while it runs. Note that the same socket cannot safely be used concurrently by more than one thread.

HTTPSplitHTML is a client function to parse the HTML from a Web page into an Omnis list. The HTML tags are parsed out of the text, so that it easier to write a program that grabs the Web page content or interprets the tags from a form.

Message is an Omnis Character or Binary field containing the text of the content portion of a Web page, including HTML tags.

TagtextList is an Omnis list defined to have three columns, all character. Column 1 contains the opening HTML tag, column 2 the actual page text, and column 3 the closing HTML tag.

The command returns an integer status, which is less than zero if an error occurs. Possible error codes are listed in the Web Command Error Codes Appendix.


# Parse the html from lURL into the list lHtmlTagList
Calculate lUrl as ''
HTTPPage (lUrlReturns lHtmlPage
Do lHtmlTagList.$define(lOpeningHtmlTag,lHtmlText,lClosingHtmlTag)
HTTPSplitHTML (lHtmlPage,lHtmlTagList