
Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
External commands YES NO NO All


IMAPSubscribeMailbox (socket,mailboxname[,stsproc,responselist]) Returns status


Note: The flag is set according to whether Omnis was able to make a call to this external command.

This Web command is multi-threaded, allowing another thread to execute in the multi-threaded server while it runs. Note that the same socket cannot safely be used concurrently by more than one thread.

IMAPSubscribeMailbox issues a SUBSCRIBE command to the server, to add a specified mailbox name to the server's set of "active" or "subscribed" mailboxes as returned by IMAPListSubscribedMailboxes.

Socket is an Omnis Long Integer field containing a socket opened to an IMAP server using IMAPConnect.

Mailboxname is the name of the mailbox.

IMAP mailbox names are left-to-right hierarchical using a single character to separate levels of hierarchy. If you execute IMAPListMailboxes with empty RefName and MailboxName parameters, the returned list has a single line from which you can access the hierarchy separator.

All the Omnis IMAP commands automatically enclose mailbox names in double quotes when sending them to the server.

Stsproc is an optional parameter containing the name of an Omnis method that this command calls with status messages. This command calls the method with no parameters, and the status information in the variable #S1. The status information logs protocol messages exchanged on the connection to the server.

Responselist is an optional parameter into which this command places response lines received from the IMAP server. Before calling this command, define the responselist to have a single Character column. When the command returns successfully, the response list contains the untagged and tagged responses received from the IMAP server as a result of executing this command. These sometimes include unsolicited information, for example, an update on the current number of messages in the selected mailbox. Each line in the response list is a response line received from the server. See RFC 3501 for more details, if you need to handle this sort of information.

This command returns an integer, which is less than zero if an error occurred. Possible error codes are listed in the Web Command Error Codes Appendix.


# Add INBOX.Test to the subscribed mailboxes
# "." is the hierarchy separator
Calculate iMailbox as "INBOX.Test"
IMAPSubscribeMailbox (iIMAPSocket,iMailboxReturns lStatus
If lStatus<0
  # SUBSCRIBE command failed
End If