Send to screen

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Report destinations NO YES NO All


Send to screen ([Do not wait for user][,Hide until complete]) title[/left/top/width/height/stk/cen]


Do not wait for user Unless this option is specified, the user must close the window before method execution continues and before doing anything else
Hide until complete If specified, the report window is not displayed until the report has been completely generated


This command sends the output of the current report to the screen. The screen report uses the appropriate fonts and page size, but ignores the margins.

The Page for screen option paginates the report for screen-length pages.

The Do not wait for user option allows subsequent method lines to execute or allow the user to do other things without closing the report; the default is to gray out all menus while a screen report is displayed. You may want to have several reports on the screen for reference while doing some other work with the library. Without the option, the user must close the window before doing anything else.

The Hide until Complete option suppresses the output until all the report is ready. Normally, you can view the first part of the report before all the records have been prepared.

Title and Position

You can give each screen report a title and control its position and size. The Left/top/right/bottom parameters set the positions of the four corners to screen pixel resolution. The /STK parameter offsets the top left-hand corner from the last report instance and /CEN positions the report in the middle of the screen. The following example stacks two report instances showing US and UK customers.

If you use Send to screen in a reversible block, the report destination reverts to its former setting when the method terminates.

The prompt for destination dialog sets the Do not wait option and clears all the others.

As with all scrolling fields in Omnis, screen reports can have panes. This lets you split the window into panes and scroll each pane separately.


# Example shows how to stack 2 report instances showing UK and US customers sent to the screen
Set report name rMyReport
Send to screen (Do not wait for user) UK customers/STK
Set search as calculation {cCountry='UK'}
Print report (Use search,Do not finish others) {rInst1}
Send to screen (Do not wait for user) USA customers/STK
Set search as calculation {cCountry='USA'}
Print report (Use search,Do not finish others) {rInst2}