
Function group Execute on client Platform(s)
List NO All




Returns the value of fieldname from a line specified by linenumber in a list specified by listname. For client-executed methods listname must be specified.

The fieldname argument must be a field stored in the list, not a constant or expression. If listname is not specified the current list is used. If only the fieldname argument is specified the current line of the current list is used.


Calculate lResult as lst(lList,23,lCol1)
# returns lCol1 field value stored at line 23 of list lList

Calculate lResult as lst(23,lCol1)
# returns lCol1 field value stored in line 23 of the current list

Calculate lResult as lst(lCol1)
# returns lCol1 field value stored at current line of current list

Calculate lResult as lst(lList,0,#LM)
# returns the maximum number of lines in list lMyList