Omnis Technical Note TNEX0008 April 2020. Updated October 2023

Loading External Frameworks in macOS Catalina and Newer

For Omnis Studio 10.x
By Andrei Augustin, Omnis Engineering

With macOS Catalina (10.15), Apple has introduced app notarization, designed to prevent apps from loading potentially unsafe external libraries. As a consequence, apps like Omnis Studio are no longer allowed to load external libraries unless they are:

  • verified and codesigned independently as part of the operating system or by the third-party, or
  • placed inside and signed as part of the Studio app.

This applies to DAMs that require access to third-party client libraries such as DAMODBC, DAMSYBSE, DAMMYSQL, DAMPGSQL and DAMORACLE. Please select a connection type for more detailed information.


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