Euromnis 2023 Conference Invitation

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Euromnis 2023 Conference Invitation
Rob Mostyn Register now

The organizing committee would like to invite you to Euromnis 2023

As a past attendee for many years, we know you understand the value in the depth of topics presented. This year, familiar speakers and new presenters have committed to approximately 28 topics in a number of aspects of omnis, database, automation, the development lifecycle and Studio 11.

We hope you’ll come this year.

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About the Conference

  • Hotel Klein Zwitserland – Arnhem, Netherlands
  • Sunday Oct 22 – Friday Oct 27
  • keynote: Omnis Software
  • 4 jam packed day and evening sessions
  • multiple tracks
  • meet & greet buffet on Sunday evening October 22
  • depart after breakfast Friday, October 27th
  • and historically; many, many, many hours of discussions on Omnis from morning till night

All sessions, meals, single room for only 1500 €

Omnis will be at the conference for sessions on Studio. Tech support have always been available to specific issues you may have.

Euromnis Organizing Committee: Doug EasterbrookGavin FosterMike MatthewsRob Mostyn

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