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  • Contribution to the community Comment

    Posted by Diego Mendoza Muñoz on June 22, 2024 at 9:58 pm

    Hola Omnidevs, ojala sea el inicio de una bonita accion de liberar codigo abierto entre la comunidad, les dejo una libreria con algunos objetos y vistas que he desarrollado, estan por implementar pero creo que son interesantes para su analisis y sus comentarios.

    Un modelo de gantt desarrollado totalmente en omnis y un calendario. la vista se llama CustomGrid

    Esta desarrollado en omnis 8 y en windows cualquier problema de compatibilizacion avisenme.

    Hello Omnidevs, I hope this is the beginning of a nice action to release open code among the community, I provide you with a library with some objects and views that I have developed, they are yet to be implemented but I think they are interesting for your analysis and comments.

    A gantt model developed entirely in omnis and a calendar view. Using a view call CustomGrid

    It is developed in Omnis 8 and in Windows, if there are any compatibility problems, let me know.

    Diego Mendoza Muñoz replied 1 week, 1 day ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Obonye

    July 2, 2024 at 8:11 am

    Thank you @Diego Mendoza Muñoz for your contribution. I appreciate it. I’m going through your code and trying to understand it. Do you have an English version of the test library? Because it is hard to tell what some of the classes, methods and functions (and even variables) are doing when the naming convention, in some instances, is in an unknown language.

    Regards, Martin Obongita.

  • Diego Mendoza Muñoz

    July 3, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    No sorry i dont have english version, but if you have any question i try to reply earlier

  • Diego Mendoza Muñoz

    July 3, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    *Find and open testMe window

    *when you make a change to a property in the right panel. click on the installConfig button if you don’t have it, create it and call the installConfig method

    *Dragmode on let you select varios items in the grid, if horizontal value is “yes” you can drag horizontal.

    *Gantt windows its the same subwindows but it has a different implementation.

    leave me an opinion.

    Im from america latina and my english is poor.

  • Uwe Smidt

    July 6, 2024 at 10:11 am

    Ola Diego,
    como estas?

    This is about all I can say in Spanish, so it’s great that we can meet in the middle, by writing in English – as good as we can 😉

    Thank you very much for your contribution, it is really appreciated, even if some of it is written in Spanish. It is still better to post it, than to keep it to yourself because it is a lot of work to rewrite it into English. I do a most of my #commenting and object naming in German, so I understand the problem here…

    But if someone finds the libraries / problems addressed interesting, there will be a way to overcome language barriers.

    Actually, it is not so much the aspect of not wanting to share my code/knowledge (it’s no big deal anyway), but much rather the work of extracting something special into something general that can be used without much explanation.

    But maybe your post will be the starting point of more people sharing interesting code snippets or complete libraries.

    Best regards


  • Diego Mendoza Muñoz

    July 7, 2024 at 10:29 pm

    Of course, the idea is to be able to share the “hacks” that we find through experience. If you can see the library, the “CalendarBoard” window has the encapsulated methods to be able to interact with it in a general way. Another thing to note is that the events in the subwindow are communicated to the parent window.

    And that the window is empty and is built using the methods it contains.

    I will also share the oDiagramV2 object that is interesting for presenting diagrams.

    here I leave your example

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