Forum Replies Created

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  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    July 15, 2024 at 12:38 pm in reply to: Renaming objects – missing prompt for search and replace

    Hi Uwe,

    I don’t think there was ever a prompt when you rename a method name. This is only when you rename a class name as far as I know.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    June 17, 2024 at 10:23 am in reply to: How to Improve Page Load Times in Omnis Studio Web Applications?

    Hi Smith loo,

    When using Omnis remote forms we already take care with the controls that only those data will be loaded that are shown on the page. For example the data grid control only shows the data that are visible plus a few lines when the user start scrolling and is dynamically loading the next data to be shown.

    Also when you use subforms to switch between different remote forms it will only load the subform part. You can also cache the subform.

    So it should not be slow at all using the Omnis Studio remote form technology.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    June 4, 2024 at 3:00 pm in reply to: Opening new links in a web application.

    Hi Allan,

    I suppose you are talking about an Omnis JS application?

    You have several options:

    1. Do $cinst.$showurl(‘http://someURL’) .. will open a new browser instance (or tab) and point to the given URL. This only makes sense if you want to refer to a URL outside of the current Omnis app.

    2. Do $cinst.$clientcommand(“subformdialogshow”,row(jsNextForm,300,600)). .. this will open a dialog window inside the current Omnis remote task instance and you can communicate between the main form and the subform by using $cinst.$container, i.e.

    Do $cinst.$container().$getID() .. will call the $getID from the main form

    3. You can use a main form that has a subform field. This can than be used to switch between several other remote forms assigning the $classname of the subform field.

    I hope this helps.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    May 21, 2024 at 1:09 pm in reply to: SMTPWorker example.

    Hi Francesco,

    Check out the Samples section in the HUB. There you go to “Object orientation” group. You will find a sample library for the SMTP worker there.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    May 17, 2024 at 2:10 pm in reply to: Omnis in the Cloud

    Hi Martin,

    I do not understand. An Omnis remote form is per se in the cloud.

    Maybe I do not get it. How do you define a “cloud” in this respect?



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    May 17, 2024 at 1:13 pm in reply to: Query About the Omnis Developer Conference in Dusseldorf

    Hi Paul,

    Sorry – there was no video recording I am afraid.

    All the best to the other side of the earth! Regards to Caroline.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    April 25, 2024 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Get data in MS SQL from Omnis 11 multiple database

    Hi Serge,

    Only the Omnis application can write into the Omnis datafile. So you would need to write a little Omnis app that reads data from the MS SQL Server and writes it back to the Omnis datafile.



    • Andreas Pfeiffer

      April 25, 2024 at 2:58 pm in reply to: Get data in MS SQL from Omnis 11 multiple database


      re-reading your post. You might be able to read from an Omnis datafile via ODBC. However tables inside the Omnis datafile must be accessible. So the Omnis developer would need to give access.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    May 21, 2024 at 1:15 pm in reply to: SMTPWorker example.


    Have a great day Francesco!



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    May 18, 2024 at 8:29 am in reply to: Omnis in the Cloud


    Ok. Let me define the cloud then: It is a server that is somehow hosted from a bigger or smaller brand. If you want to host the Omnis application on that cloud you would need to find a cloud server that allows you to install an Omnis server runtime and the database you want to use.

    Does that make sense?



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    April 10, 2024 at 2:58 pm in reply to: How to rebuild columnpicklist

    Hi Martin,

    I have uploaded another version that shows how you can get the countries with main cities using a rest call.

    Just try jsRestTest. That form will take a little time (depending on the internet speed you have) because it reads a lot of data. Once it is open it shows a list of countries and for each country a list of cities in that country. You can use the search box to quickly find a country in that list.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    April 10, 2024 at 12:58 pm in reply to: How to rebuild columnpicklist

    Note, I added a plus button to allow inserting new lines

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    April 10, 2024 at 12:51 pm in reply to: How to rebuild columnpicklist

    Attached please find a modified version that might suit your needs.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    April 10, 2024 at 11:29 am in reply to: How to rebuild columnpicklist
  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    April 10, 2024 at 10:32 am in reply to: How to rebuild columnpicklist

    I beg you pardon. I will upload a CE version of this library after lunch break.

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