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  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 19, 2023 at 9:04 am in reply to: Defining row variables: variable pane vs $definefromsqlclass

    Hi Uwe,

    When you run into that problem the debugger should stop and you ought to be able to see if the method exists in the Interface Manager. Is it possible that you used something like “Calculate lRow as lAnotherRow”. This also copies the definition of the other row variable.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 19, 2023 at 8:51 am in reply to: ‘vertical’ Scope of local variables and parameters

    Hi Uwe,

    When you have an overridden method you can have the same parameter and the same value will be passed to the inherited method as well as its superclass method.

    If you want a different value you could use $cinst.$inherited.$myMethod() and pass a different value there. However I would be careful if you really want this.

    For example if you change the ID to be loaded in the inherited class your superclass will load a different record. Is this what you really want? If the behaviour is different I would rather suggest using another method and then call the other method from within there.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 11:20 am in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    I would like to recommend for the first test using an instance variable and show it in an entry field in that subform to proof what layout breakpoint you are in.

    On the other hand why do you assign column widths and the width of the component at all?

    You can set $columnwidthsarepercentage=kTrue and then make sure each column has the right percentage width. The width property of the control should then automatically be controlled by the layout breakpoint the form is in. So no need to assign it at all.

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 20, 2023 at 9:06 am in reply to: Defining row variables: variable pane vs $definefromsqlclass

    Hi Uwe,

    Sorry. The picture does not show the error and the Interface Manager. So I do not know what to see there.

    However we found an issue that was similar in our fault database (ST/DB/1450) which is fixed for build 35439. So it should be fine in the latest Omnis Studio 11 Version.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 18, 2023 at 8:16 am in reply to: Calculate Row as List

    Hi Doug,

    Excellent point!

    But I think if you want to call a method inside the list (which is great since it is encapsulated then) you would need to put that method into a table class where the list is derived from. Either the concrete class or it’s super class.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 12, 2023 at 8:33 am in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    Hi Martin,

    I have added an enhancement request to limit the width of a column when $columnwidthsarepercentage is set to kTrue.

    Best regards,


  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 4:00 pm in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    The latest.



  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 3:51 pm in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    Hi Martin,

    Not sure what you mean. The $columnwidtharepercentage is global for the grid. So if you set it it will certainly affect all of the columns.

    I made a litte (Omnis Studio 11) sample library that shows how that works. Please see attached.

    Best regards,


  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 1:24 pm in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    Btw. In Omnis Studio 11 you could just delete all layout breakpoints but one. Then either set the right and bottom edge float to the grid or – if you have only the grid in the subform making the edge float kEFPosnClient. Then the grid will be relative to the size of the subform control in the outer form.

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 1:09 pm in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm


    I am glad it works for you. Thanks for the feedback.

    Have a good day 🙂


  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 12:12 pm in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    If you set $columnwidthsarepersentage=ktrue you would only give a percentage value for each column. For example 10 means 10% of the entire width.

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 12:10 pm in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    ha -ha. Why is that? Omnis Studio 11 has a lot of bugfixes and new features.

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 11:27 am in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    That should be fine. Though why not using Omnis Studio 11?

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 10:53 am in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    Do you put the breakpoint after the evLayoutChanged?

  • Andreas Pfeiffer

    December 11, 2023 at 10:52 am in reply to: $currentlayoutbreakpoint in a jsForm

    that is weird. Which build do you use?



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