Forum Replies Created

  • Silvan Baach

    May 9, 2023 at 2:34 pm in reply to: Data grid – Turning cells ‘red’

    I have no experience with the Data Grid Web Control but I think you have to turn the $columnstyledtext property to kTrue for the column you want to display the red text. After that you can make your values appear red via the style function. E.g myList.$add(con(style(kEscColor,kRed),’MyValue’,style(kEscColor,kBlack)))

  • Silvan Baach

    September 9, 2022 at 8:13 am in reply to: Toast Messages

    Alright thanks! I didn’t found the time to really dig into the new animation feature but I’ll give it a shot.

    – Silvan

  • Silvan Baach

    September 9, 2022 at 7:55 am in reply to: Toast Messages

    Hi Andreas

    Thanks for the fast answer!

    I see what you are going for. But I don’t use any JS in my application. My Code isn’t located in a remoteform but in a standard windowclass instead. Therefore this solution is not possible am I right? I would need to put the reload code in another thread so the main stack stays empty and the toast gets printed… But I never really understood multi threading in Omnis for desktop application purposes.

    – Silvan

  • Silvan Baach

    September 9, 2022 at 7:24 am in reply to: Toast Messages

    Hello Andreas

    I’m working on a desktop based application without a client server hierarchy. I don’t really get why I need to think asynchronously in this case.

    What I want to achieve:

    Let’s say I have a window with a huge treelist and some configuration fields for the user. If a pushbutton gets pressed I want the whole window to reload its data. Before running the main logic of this procedure I want to inform the user that the window now starts reloading. The goal is to use the toasts kind of as status updates but not as “extreme” as working messages would do. And besides that: The toasts are designed nicer then working messages and they don’t interfere with the user as much.

    So in short:

    Step 1. Inform the user that the window is reloading

    Step 2. Reload the window

    Step 3. Inform the user that the window reload has been successful

    Thanks for your help!

    – Silvan

  • Silvan Baach

    June 30, 2022 at 1:11 pm in reply to: Desktop client – $allowcopy for Masked Entry Field

    Another idea: If you implement the solution proposed from Andreas you could catch the Ctrl + C command and do some cleanup to the copied value. In the example code I am replacing all spaces and the € symbol. It’s important that you discard the event otherwise the OS will proceed with the standard event will override the value which you copied manually to the clipboard.

    Example Code:

    On evKey

    If pKey=’C’&cmd()

    Calculate testStr as $cobj.$contents

    Calculate testStr as replaceall(testStr,’€’,”)

    Calculate testStr as replaceall(testStr,’ ‘,”)

    Copy to clipboard testStr

    Quit event handler (Discard event)

    End If

    – Silvan

  • Silvan Baach

    June 30, 2022 at 12:29 pm in reply to: Desktop client – $allowcopy for Masked Entry Field

    Hi Giacomo

    I don’t know of any solution to your original question. But I think you are on the right way with the DoubleClick event. I suggest you make a small push button next to the field with a clipboard icon. This should be intuitive enough for most users since it’s a very common way of copying data on most websites.

    – Silvan