July 20, 2020 Andrew

Latest Beta3 of Omnis Studio 10.2 will enhance & accelerate your app development projects

We are delighted to let you know that we have released Beta3 of Omnis Studio 10.2, packed full of great new features, which we are sure will greatly enhance your existing & future application development projects. We have already provided two beta versions of Studio 10.2, and some of you have been testing it and reporting your findings to us – we thank you for your participation in our beta program – but we have yet more new features for you to test! All of the following features and enhancements have been added to BETA3*:

  • Token Entry Field
    A Token Entry Field is a new type of text field for window classes (fat client only) into which the end user can enter text which then becomes tokenized (a single block); the behavior of the Token Entry Field is like the recipient field in email programs whereby each email entered becomes a single block or token.
  • SVG Icons
    you will be able to use SVG image files for icons for JavaScript components and Window class controls; SVG images are vector based and are inherently scalable, therefore a single file can provide multiple sizes for icons – a single icon file will scale to fit the icon area available in a control.
  • Side Panels
    a Side panel is a vertical panel containing clickable options or other content that can be added to the left or right of a window, using a page pane, or scroll box; a side panel can “pop out” automatically when the end user hovers the pointer over the edge of the window, or displaying the side panel can be linked to a menu control to allow (note this is available for window class (fat client) controls only, not JS client controls, and does not include events for this beta).
  • Regular Expressions
    the PCRE2 library has been added to Omnis to support regular expressions in your Omnis code. The PCRE2 library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions version 2) is an open source library of functions that provides syntax and semantics like Perl 5 for defining a search.
  • Control-level Return methods
    you will be able to implement a return method for controls, in addition to remote forms, so now you can create a ‘$serverMethod_return’ client-executed method in a control to receive the value returned from the server.

Everyone who participated in the previous Beta tests will automatically receive access to Beta 3 (you should have received email about it). If you have not signed up to the beta program already, but would like to test Beta3, and would have the time to report your findings back to us, then please register on our website. 

Please note the beta test program is open to ODPP members only, although in some cases we would welcome applications from developers willing to test specific new features and report back to us with their feedback – so if you are interested in a specific feature in Beta3, as above, and would like to test it, please get in touch. 

Sign up for the BETA Program

If you would like to sign up to test BETA3 for Omnis Studio 10.2, please fill out the application form on our Developer website:


We hope that many of you will test Studio 10.2 beta 3 and will report any issues you may find to us and help us ensure the highest possible quality and stability for the final release of Studio 10.2. Thank you so much for your assistance! 

*We anticipate the features described here and in the BETA documentation will be in the final release software, but we cannot guarantee their inclusion or their exact implementation, and when you apply to test the BETA you must agree to the BETA test license.

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