April 13, 2020 Andrew

Get to know Omnis – let yourself be inspired in the Omnis Webinars

The Omnis Webinars are designed to help you learn more about Omnis Studio, on a range of different topics and for different types of developers from beginners to experienced application developers – and are available in English, German, Spanish and Italian, for customers across the world. These online seminars are held by Omnis consultants or trainers and they are live & interactive, so you can ask questions, comment on Omnis features and ask to see those aspects that you are especially interested in.

If you are new to Omnis Studio, or wish to evaluate it for your next development project, then we recommend the “Introduction to Omnis Studio” webinar – this is also good to existing Omnis developers who want to learn about the very latest version, Studio 10. The “Intro” webinar allows you to watch an experienced Omnis consultant or trainer show you all the main features in Omnis Studio, and we are sure you’ll see immediately how powerful, quick and easy to use Omnis is for creating web and mobile applications. We have a number of dates and times (available in different languages) planned for April for the “Omnis Intro” webinar, as follows:

“Introduction to Omnis Studio” webinar
Language Date and time (zone)
Español 15 April, 17:00 (CET)
Deutsch 16 April, 11:00 (MEZ)
English 16 April, 15:00 (CET)
Italiano 20 April, 15:00 (CET)

Other topics for the Omnis webinars are available, in different languages (check the website for different dates and times, depending on your region):

  • Introduction to Omnis Studio – Start with the basics (as above)
  • Omnis Studio 10 – all about the highlights – a system whose time has come
  • Mobile App Development with JavaScript Client – Mobile Now
  • Web App Development with JavaScript Client – Go ahead, get creative
  • Developing Standalone Mobile Applications – Apps for everything, everyone, everywhere

More info about the webinars and Registration

The Omnis webinars are free, but you will need to register so we can provide you with connection details to join the webinar session on the day. For information and registration, please visit our website:


Once on the website, select your language (ES, EN, DE, or IT), select your preferred date, and then fill out the registration form – we will contact you before the webinar with connection details to join the session.

If you would like to learn more…

If you have attended one of our webinars and would like to learn more about Omnis Studio, or you would prefer to dive deeper into Omnis right now, then maybe you would like to attend one of our brand new Online training courses. There are online training courses for a whole range of topics and levels of expertise, including a course designed for those who are new to Omnis, called: “Omnis Studio Basics in Developing Web and Mobile Apps”. For more information and to signup, please visit our website:


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